
Prophetic Words

I am reinstating my Prophets

I am reinstating my Prophets

I am reinstating my Prophets! I felt the nudge to come on here and share this word that I received upon processing a dream I had over a month ago.The Lord began to speak on something that truly has begun already.This is a word specifically for His servants the Prophets...
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Deal With Your Idols

Deal With Your Idols

Deal With Your IdolsMany of you know I have carried the word about judgement coming to the earth for about a year now and this prophetic utterance is tied to that. This isn’t a word of accusation or to bring condemnation but a word of urgency to check your heart...
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The Hour Has Come

The Hour Has Come

The Hour Has Come I have been carrying this word for the past ten months and didn't feel to release it until now. It hasn't been the easiest of words to carry but I know God's heart is for you, for His Bride/Church and for the Nations. The unveiling is...
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Its time to rebuild the Temple

Its time to rebuild the Temple

Its time to rebuild the TempleIn 2020 I had a dream where I was with my sister and as we were going somewhere all of a sudden she started to feel very sick to the point that she vomited. I was trying to figure out what happened, why was she...
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