Its time to rebuild the Temple
Its time to rebuild the Temple
In 2020 I had a dream where I was with my sister and as we were going somewhere all of a sudden she started to feel very sick to the point that she vomited. I was trying to figure out what happened, why was she feeling sick? In my wondering and trying to help her I saw a man coming towards me, I couldn’t see his face but all I could see was the light behind him and he said these words to me
‘Read the book of Haggai’ and he left.
I was very new to dreaming specific dreams so I did not understand what was the message or what those elements in the dream represented so I left it.
But the Lord has been bringing this dream to mind time and time again since 2020. As I have been praying and pondering on this dream as well as reading the book of Haggai I’ve realized that the Lord has been showing me a picture of the church and what she will go through, what must take place on a global scale.
My sister in the dream represents the Church, The Body of Christ. I believe that Christ’s Church is going through a major purging right now, which has begun but I believe it’s about to intensify. For so long the Church has been lacking the right motive, impurity has taken place, has been spiritually asleep, stagnancy, complacency and giving sugar coated sermons to please man.
Kingdom work has been put on hold to some extent because we simply decided that our lives needed more attention and we have fallen away from God and His purposes here on earth but that’s all about to change!
On the 28th January 2023 I had another dream where My pastor had ordered a cake from me so she came over to my place to see and check out the cake. She also came with a friend- her friend said to me ‘I need to check the taste and texture of the icing’.
When my pastor saw the cake she picked it up and began to shake it.
She then proceeded to shake it one more time, at this point I was questioning why she would shake a cake?! It will not maintain its shape!
As she continued to shake the cake that second time it completely came tumbling down! It was no longer a cake, it was a mess on a cake board and straight away she looked at me and wasn't fussed at all, instead she came over to me and took out a huge blueprint of a water theme park. I however couldn’t see the whole picture, just a small fraction of it. Upon showing me she asked me if I could make the cake for her son Zion just like the one on the blueprint which I immediately said YES to even though I had no idea how I was going to build it but I knew I could make it.
Again the Lord brought to mind the dream I had back in 2020 about the book of Haggai and it all made sense.
I believe that we are living prophetically in the days of Haggai and God is making it plain clear that the old wine skin, the way the Church used to operate with man made systems, curriculums, programs will not be able to stand in this new season/era.
What has been previously done in the Church has not been in vain, in fact it has been a time of exploring the Kingdom and bringing many to Christ. It was indeed a wonderful era however I believe God is coming in and dismantling the old and mantling the Church with the New.
Just like in the dream when my pastor shook the cake for the second time it came tumbling down so will the old be brought down.
When my pastor, who represents Jesus, ordered that cake from me reminded me of when Jesus gave instructions to his disciples on how to run, expand and build His Kingdom and it was supposed to be a blueprint for us His church to follow but somehow along the way we have lost track and haven't been prioritizing Jesus instructions very well, that's why in the dream my pastor came looked at the cake and began to shake it, why? I believe that symbolizes that Jesus saw that we did not build some things according to His instructions/heart desire but according to our desires, and that would not stand. We can even see this in the book of Haggai when the people stopped building the Lords Temple to attend to their own lives (Haggai 1:9)
I also believe that the friend in the dream represents the Holy Spirit, the one that will come and purge, clean, examine the hearts and motives of His people, so we can then go forth and build the new with Him.
We are returning to first love for our King Jesus, to preaching the Gospel with a passion, treating each other with respect and pure love with no strings attached, no gossip and slandering in the Body Christ. We will allow the Holy Spirit to move upon us and through us so powerfully and learn not to quench Him. These are days of Greater Glory.
The second shaking symbolizes that everything that could be shaken will be shaken on a global scale, we see this in Haggai 2:6-7.
And once the shaking starts to take place the glory of God will fill His temple, which is us we are His Temple! We will go from glory to Glory. Operating in gifts, callings and the Five Fold Ministry will once again be restored and fueled by God's power!
Haggai 2:9 ‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.
Even when my pastor mentioned it was for her son Zion it completely brought this message together. Zion means ‘monumental pillar’ ‘waymark’ or ‘sign’.
The Blueprint that God is giving to the Church in this new era is to build a CHURCH that is a pillar for the lost, prodigals and His Children where the Presence and Glory of God dwells.
It will be a tower of refuge for all until Jesus returns.
We have been invited to co-labour and partner with Christ to build His church!
We must not go off on our own plans and desires to rebuild God's Temple.
It is so important to surrender our lives to Him and be so sensitive to the Holy Spirit and His leading. I believe God is depositing blueprints, assignments, keys, giftings, callings, wisdom, discernment and revelation in this hour so we can start to build His Temple together!
The Blueprint that I saw in the dream was a representation of the MANY ways that the Holy Spirit will move in this hour. Just like the water theme park runs with many activities to do with water I believe the Holy Spirit has many streams on which His Bride the Church can operate in.
We are all unique and called by God to partner with Him for the Glory days ahead.