About Us

My journey began to take flight in 2019 when I encountered God in a whole new way through prophetic dreams, visions and spiritual gifts. The Holy Spirit became my best friend and teacher.
I remember becoming so alive in the prophetic and so hungry to know more and encounter Jesus this way, it was then that my journey of knowing Him, His Voice, how He speaks and His Ways really began to shape me and guide me into who I was meant to be.
Little did I know that I had embarked on an adventure of a lifetime, my training ground!
As a result I have attended a few online prophetic schools, online courses and have read several books. During this time I became so passionate to lead others on the same journey of hearing His heart.
In 2021 the Lord asked me to create a page, a space where I would share His heart for His people and release untainted prophetic words and so He Speaks I Write was birthed!
Fast forward to 2022 and 2023 our family began to feel the pull, the call to something far greater than ourselves. We began to receive words, dreams and signs that would quickly shift us out of where we were currently living in Sydney. At the beginning of 2024 the word of the Lord got confirmed in our lives for our family and within months we packed up our home and headed to the northern eastern coast of Australia, just like God had told us over a year ago.
From the time God had given us the word to move interstate to the day we arrived in Brisbane we saw the hand of God every step of the way and we knew right then and there we were on the right track.
At the end of 2024 we felt the grace and God leading us to start another adventure with Him and to our surprise Day Fifty Apparel was supernaturally birthed.
For a year my husband and I had conversations to create t-shirts that would share the Gospel and be a form of declarations to people's lives by wearing Scripture, literally!
In November of 2024 those conversations became a reality real fast!
Our prayer and hope is that our inspired Scripture T-shirts will be statement pieces that will impact an individual’s day to day and what better way to wear God’s Word that is alive and active today.

Day Fifty Apparel
He Speaks I write