I am reinstating my Prophets
I am reinstating my Prophets!
I felt the nudge to come on here and share this word that I received upon processing a dream I had over a month ago.
The Lord began to speak on something that truly has begun already.
This is a word specifically for His servants the Prophets but I do believe this word also applies to all prophetic people as Prophets are the umbrella of the emerging prophetic voices.
As the Lord began to speak, instantly I got taken to Isaiah 11 where it states the seven spirits of God. I believe God wants to show us more of Him but in order to do so He must have us ready to receive that portion of Him because it is weighty and if we aren’t ready we will not be able to partake.
We are in a time of refining.
The Refiners Fire is coming and doing what He must do and that is to purify us from a lot of things in these last days so the Bride of Christ can be ready for His return.
The Lord is coming in and reestablishing His House, His Church including the Five Fold.
I believe the Prophetic is being reinstated right now because the Lord spoke it and He desires all of our hearts completely and utterly unto Him alone.
He is purging the Church, we are the Church and the purging is necessary for us to advance in holiness and Fear of the Lord so we can rebuild in the days ahead in a healthy way.
The Fear of the Lord is everything right now because it is His Wisdom.
As with all words test the spirit and the word been given. But I do pray that we adhere to what the Holy Spirit is saying so we can co labour with what He is doing in us right now.
I heard the Lord say, ”I am reinstating my Prophets”
Dictionary definitions from Oxford Languages
Verb - restore (someone or something) to their former position or state.
I AM that I AM.
My child open your heart to hear MY word being sent forth in this hour.
It is of restoration and hope for My Bride but I have been calling her to her roots.
I AM the root of Jesse.
I AM the branch that bears much fruit but I AM now cutting fruit off the vine that haven’t adhered to my word and my vindications.
For this is the time that I’m ploughing the soil of people’s hearts to reveal the things that have grown in secret.
I AM removing all that can damage my ways.
I have not called My Bride to fight in their own strength but to capture my heart in ways that will surprise many of my servants.
There’s indeed a greater awakening taking place, pray that even the faint of hearts can take what is coming.
My Glory can not be given out unless my people repent and turn from their ways.
I AM YAHWEH, I Am turning hearts back to Me.
It will not be pleasant it will almost feel like it’s excruciating but it is My finger pointing at things that must be dealt with.
I can no longer coexist with partial hearts.
I AM gathering many, I AM clearing out gutters.
I will be enthroned in the heavens and on the earth.
My watch is on time, I will not be ridicule on matters that are not Me. I AM cleaning house.
My Glory cannot and will not coexist with earthly treasures.
Hear the word of your God, I AM indeed decluttering My Bride those that have ears to hear discern what I am doing in your midst.
Revival has come to your hearts.