The Hour Has Come

The Hour Has Come

The Hour Has Come

I have been carrying this word for the past ten months and didn't feel to release it until now. It hasn't been the easiest of words to carry but I know God's heart is for you, for His Bride/Church and for the Nations.
The unveiling is here for all to see as I'm sure you would have seen but He simply loves us too much to leave us the way we are. In order to access His greater Glory and the New wineskin in the days to come which are fast approaching He must first address and deal with what has been taking place beneath the surface in every place, sphere and individual specially His Church. 

I pray that you will receive this word and adhere to what the Spirit is saying. 

We are at a very crucial and a very important point in time where the Lord is calling His Bride back purity, to holiness and devotion ONLY unto Him. As the hour of Christ’s return draws near we must first make ourselves ready for Him so we can be spotless and blameless before Him. Without it we cannot enter and have the new wine which has been reserved best to last. It is the hour to get ready for Jesus' arrival!

On July 12th, 2023 the Lord gave me a warning dream where He began to speak to me about  the judgement that would be approaching the Church and the world.
In the dream during the night hours I was talking to my two sisters who represent God's people when all of a sudden I saw from afar a huge dark cloud forming and coming towards us, the wind and lightning were picking up stronger and the dark cloud wasn't coming at us slowly but it was fast approaching! Upon seeing this unfold I ran to my mum who represents the Holy Spirit and as I was making my way to her I saw a helicopter descending and landing upon a tall building trying to get people including my aunty inside it as quickly as it could then it quickly left.
When I got to my mother and told her what was happening to my surprise, she seemed very calm. It was like she knew this event must take place.
When the helicopter left I quickly ran to where my sisters were because I knew I couldn't leave them there, I had to tell them that a huge storm was coming, which I believe the huge storm represents judgement. 

Before I continue I wanted to talk about this part of the dream because I feel the Lord's encouragement to His set apart ones, whose hearts are set on Him.
The helicopter in my dream represents the Lord's aides, His angelic hosts, His Sovereignty, His love for those who have reserved themselves for Him only. The set apart ones. His Remnant, It is a rescuing mission. He has rescued and is rescuing those to shield them to protect them from the storm that's fast approaching on the horizon that's about to hit on a global scale.
The Lord is declaring Psalm 91 over you, so be encouraged you are safe and marked by Him. 

As I continued to decode this dream the Lord took me to Jeremiah 3 where God was speaking to Jeremiah about how faithless, unfaithful and adulterous both Israel and Judah had been towards Him and that not once did they consider to return to the Lord their God. 
And through this passage I feel such a strong message from the LORD for right now because it is exactly where we are at.
I remember that night so clearly as I was decoding this dream. All of a sudden I felt the Fear of the Lord drop into My Spirit and I could not move. It was as if the dream was speaking and releasing the unfolding event that would soon take place in the future.
I truly believe the Fear of the Lord is returning to the Church in greater measures to replace the fear of man.

We cannot attend church, serve Him and continue to live life as we please.
He is our God and as His people, His Bride and His Church we need to save and devote ourselves purely for Him just as a husband reserves himself for his bride and the bride for her husband.  We cannot worship Him while idolizing other things in our lives.
Consecration is a must today. It is a sign that we have been set apart from the mixtures of this world and I believe the Lord is warning His people and giving us grace and time to repent and examine ourselves and turn to Him, to His ways and His Word. 

To return to our First love. 

There is a window of opportunity to repent and turn back to God right now, those who have perhaps been living a double minded life of Christianity, those who don't take God seriously for who He is, those who have been seeking earthly treasures instead of Him, those that have a foot in God's Kingdom but also in the kingdom of darkness.
This is NOT a word of condemnation, guilt or fear based but a call for CONSECRATION.
It is time to live a life consecrated unto Him, it is time to live for Him as a living sacrifice.
A life that's devoted to His ways and His plans.
It is a time to draw a line in the sand and choose TODAY whom you will serve, it is a Joshua 24:15 moment. 

But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

 As I sat with the Lord on 27th September 2023, I heard the Lord say these words

‘I have seen how recklessly many nations have been led by people who think they hold power. They don't know that I am God and I'm bringing judgement upon the nations, says the Lord. I am bringing justice to my people. Many have been stolen from, hurt, humiliated, manipulated, lied to, isolated but I'm coming as a Just Judge. I will judge those whose hearts have not wanted My word and My ways. They have destroyed My works but I am rebirthing within My people My Power, My Anointing and My Authority, says the Lord. No wickedness will outdo what Im bringing. Justice is mine (Romans 12:19).
Every nation will know that I am God. No misuse of power will be dismissed, I will deal with all of it. Watch now as I bring recompense and restore what was lost. I am indeed restoring My Power and My Authority to My Bride. Restoration is at hand.
Time is now, watch as I flip everything upside down. My Kingdom will advance and take flight, says the Lord. The unveiling is here! I am a Just Judge. I am turning the tables’ 

There is so much that the Lord has been bringing up to the surface recently and it isn’t to hurt us or to bring shame but it is to reveal our hearts to reveal things that will not help us on our journey to His heart and into the New wineskin.
We need to be pure vessels, consecrated vessels to carry the Greater Glory that is coming. 

Recently, the Lord has taken me back to the book of Ezekiel and highlighted chapter 8.
It is definitely a strong chapter but I believe the Lord is bringing this chapter to pass today.
He is dealing with the idolatry in our hearts, the idolatry in the Temple, we are His temple.
He is dealing with the North Gate mentioned in Ezekiel 8:3, which is His Sanctuary, the inner court where He dwells.
It is definitely a time of cleansing and removing all the dross that hinders us as His people and as it states in Ephesians 5:27 we must be ready for His return by being holy and blameless which is so key! It unites us as one with Him, the Father.

We will see a deeper unveiling take place in the upcoming days and months because it is His grace that leads us to repentance. He is restoring His temple because He is a Good Father and wants us all to Himself. God is jealous God and He is jealous for you (Exodus 20:5-6).
But to those who reject this period of grace and opportunity will feel the Lord's Hand in this hour! My heart is not to bring fear but I have been commanded to release the word of the Lord to you so you can be aware of what's ahead and return to Him before it's too late. His heart is for you!!
He is coming to deal with the impurities in all of us so we can ascend higher with Him because He LOVES us but time is running out.

I will finish with this word I received upon having separate visions on December 14th last year of a time capsule and an hourglass.
I heard Him speak.

"My child see this glass, it is beginning to fill up.
This indicates my wrath coming. No one will expect it because not many are paying attention but to the ones that have my heart and can hear My ways in this hour will discern the times and the seasons of what is happening.
My child the hour has come.
I am a God that loves but I’m also a God that judges. I cannot watch and let it be. I must act.
For if I have spoken it will be accomplished.
I am coming my child. I will not hold back.
The time has come to do what I must do across the earth.
To cleanse it to repair it and to rebuild as I see it and desire it.
I will save the Nations and many will turn to Me.
I am their Saviour and I am coming for My People.
Time is ticking and the glass of my wrath is filling up. 

“For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them." - Psalms 75:8 


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