to my little corner of journaling with GOD.
I am so happy that you are here!
I pray you will be encouraged and refreshed by what God has me to release on here.
May the words of HIS heart speak to you and minister to your heart.
Latest Word
I am reinstating my Prophets
I am reinstating my Prophets! I felt the nudge to come on here and share this word that I received upon processing a dream I had over a month ago.The Lord began to speak on something that truly has begun already.This is a word specifically for His servants the Prophets...
About me
Hello there!
I’m Joy Guerra. A wife to Stephen and a mother of three Andrea, Mikayla & Judah.
We've recently relocated from Sydney to Brisbane upon the word of the Lord in 2024.
We are on a mission to love, serve and follow God wherever He leads us.
My days consist of reading The Word, praying and interceding, drinking coffee, journaling, baking, Mothering my children, constantly chatting to husband and writing.
I'm in love with Jesus and I love to hear His voice.
HE SPEAKS I write was birthed in 2021 through receiving a series of prophetic Words of encouragement to God's people.
My heart is for you to hear His voice and encounter His heart.
As I sense the Lord speak I will write and with love release.
Love & Blessings,
Joy Guerra
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He Speaks I write